The Open Information Security Foundation - The Open Information Security FoundationFavori ajouté le 26-01-2010 | Tags : ids, ips, libre, linux, nids, opensource, règles, sécurité par neorom |
Emerging ThreatsFavori ajouté le 26-01-2010 | Tags : ids, ips, libre, linux, nids, opensource, règles, sécurité par neorom |
AZWALARO - Open Source IDS Projectro is a NIDS based on Wireshark dissectors. It use a new format rules detection. Azwalaro best point : - Many dissectors on Wireshark allow MUST detect on many protocols! - Reduce false alert because use new rule detection for Favori ajouté le 18-01-2010 | Tags : ids, ips, libre, linux, nids, opensource, sécurité par neorom |
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