1. Los Onas - Anne Chapman (1967)

    Documental de la antropóloga inglesa Anne Chapman sobre los àºltimos vestigios de la cultura selknam,

    Favori ajouté le 19-12-2013 | Tags : , , ,

  2. Los àºltimos Onas en PATAGONIA (1928)

    Documentaire sur les Onas

    Favori ajouté le 19-12-2013 | Tags : , , , ,

  3. Terre Magellaniche / Terras Magalhânicas / Tierras Magallánicas (Agostini, 1933)

    Alberto Maria De Agostini (2 November 1883 - 25 December 1960) born in Pollone, Piedmont was an Italian missionary of the Salesians of Don Bosco order as well as a passionate mountaineer, explorer, geographer, ethnographer, photographer and cinematographe

    Favori ajouté le 19-12-2013 | Tags : , , , ,

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